Archive for hermdawg

Doctor’s Visit

I have not been on this thing for a while and I must apologize to my many fans for that.  It’s not that I have been especially busy, but more so that I have been sleeping in on the weekends.  Not to much has been going on since my last post which was highlighted by the video of my Sunday morning breakfast.  Some of my friends found that to be rather interesting (all got a good chuckle out of it), and one even defended the healthiness of my meal.  I would like to say that was just a weekend treat and my wife and I do not normally eat like that.  We try to eat as healthy as possible during the week and on the weekends we treat ourselves to a cheat meal, usually Longhorn steakhouse which is our favorite.

There is one thing that did occur since my last post and that is I went to see a doctor for the first time since departing the Navy.  Eight years had passed and my wife had beed pressing me to get a check-up and I had been procrastinating so she scheduled it for me.  We went together which was nice and it actually turned out to be an eye opening experience.  I learned something about myself that really supprised me and kind of worried me at the same time.

It turns out my weight had gotten away from me to the point where I am at the heaviest I have ever been.  This is really not good.  I was totally surprised by what the scale read, and  even though the assistant said the scale was off by 10 pounds, it was still way above my previous high.  What worried me was that I was comfortable, which is not the best word to use so maybe I will go with “at ease” with carrying the weight.  I had recently quit smoking, so I knew that I had put on some weight, but if someone had asked me how much, I would have never in a million years guessed that much.  My wife and I knew that we had put on some weight, so we had started going to the gym regularly (5 days a week), and cutting back on the Cold Stone ice cream.  I guess now I will have to throw some cardio work into my work out which is really going to suck, but I think it may be necessary.  We have a scale that shows your weight and body fat and I set it up so that we both could use it.  Expect updates on the weight lost progress, not that you will be interested, but it will give me something to do with the results.

Well, until next time……..

Lazy Sunday Morning

Here it is Sunday morning and already I know that I will probably not get one thing done today.  Its just one of those days when you look outside and you see the weather is really nice and you just want to be lazy.  I am sure that my wife (SENIOR WEB PRODUCER) and I will go out and do some grocery shopping, but that will be the hardest part of my day.  But that is not even hard, because we will more than likely go to BJ’s and that is one of my favorite stores in the world.  Where else can you get a laptop, a gas grill, a big screen TV and a 25lb bag of sugar in one stop.  They just have the greatest selection and even if you do not need a 25lb bag of sugar it is pretty cool knowing where you can get one if needed.

Lets get back to my lazy Sunday.  I would be a nice day to go for a ride.  As you know from my last post I have a motorcyle (my wife does to) and it really is nice sometimes to just get out and ride.  I just started riding this year and I am really enjoying it.  I had always wanted a bike and meeting my wife gave me the incentive to go ahead and take the motorcyle safety course and get my license.  She has been riding for about 7 years and it is nice to have something to do together that we both enjoy.  She highly recommended the safety course and I am so glad I took it.  It was alot of fun, and you really do use the information from the course while riding.  The weather today would make for a really nice ride and since it is sunday, and I am hoping not to many people will be out (combination of high gas prices and first weekend for regular season pro football).  Maybe we will take the bikes when we go to the gym, wait a minute this was supposed to be a lazy sunday.  Scratch that, maybe we will take the bikes and go for some ice cream!  Until next time, got ice cream on the brain, gotta get something to eat………Breakfast

The First Entry

This is my first attempt at this “blog” thing, but I figured I would give it a try and use it as a way to get some of my thoughts out of my head.  I probably will not make this too deep or earth shattering, and I am not in the  habbit of putting too much out there.  My thought was that I would jot down little notes during the week and expand upon them later.  Tried that this week and it did not work out so well.  I think for this first entry into the world of blogging, I will just type and see what comes out.

I took a break for a minute to see if I could get some kind of formatting for this thing but it did not work out so hot.  My wife set this up for me (she is a web designer) and this is my first attempt at playing with it.  I will have to request some tutoring from her to get a better understanding of how this works.  I guess for now I will have to settle for the block formatting that I currently have.  If I weren’t so lazy I would stop typing here, use ms word, and then use the little tab that says “paste from word”.  Not gonna happen today, maybe next time.

To give you a little backround, I was born in Pennsylvania and grew up in southern Virginia.  After high school I went to Virginia Tech for 1 year and then entered the Navy.  I was in the Navy for 11 years and although I am not sure I would do it again, I must say I did learn alot and experience was good for me.  After the Navy I moved to Maryland and started working at a biotech company.  I have been there for 7 years and it is the best job I have ever had.  I recently got married to a wonderful woman who makes me extremely happy and loves me almost as much as I love her.  I also recently purchased a motor cycle which leads me to the end of this session.  I just remembered I have a fender emliminator to install.  Until next time…