Archive for June 24, 2011


Well I am happy to report I am still making myself go to the gym.  The gym time and a change in diet and eating habbits have resulted in a total of 35 pounds lost so far.  I had to buy a new scale and I have been weighing myself at the end of each month.  Kind of proud to me for sticking with it and the results.  It was something I really needed to do and I feel so much better.  I have also been able get my bench press up to 355 and incline dumbbell presses up to 120.  I even went to the gym when we went to Myrtle Beach for vacation.  The one thing I have not been able to change is my love of fast food cheeseburgers.  Its only once a week, but its not good.  Other than that though the program is moving right along.
I mentioned earlier the vacation, but I will post more on that next time.  I want to include some information about some stuff I did to my bike.  Until then…..