Huge news! Spencer Avery Sykes was welcomed into the world at 1723 on 23DEC13. I know I have been really lax on my posts, but this time I have a couple good reasons. The first and most important one being the arrival of our baby boy. It was a complete surprise to us when we found out we were pregnant, and we knew was going to be a challenge, but we realized we were willing to accept the challenge and the huge change that goes along with it. My lovely wife did everything possible to promote his growth in the womb and the pregnancy went pretty smooth up to the 38th week when Spencer decided he had enough and was ready to see the world. He did provide us with a scare to start the day, but in the end was delivered to us with no problems and a full head of hair. He weighed 7lbs 9ozs at birth and lost a bit of that after, but has been steadily gaining and the doctors are quite happy with his progress.
The other bit of news is the purchase of our first house together. After 3 years of searching we were able to find a place that had everything we were looking for, at a price we could afford, and with financing we were extremely happy with. It’s a little bigger than what we need, but we got it for a price that we just could not pass up. We did have to add a fence for Clyde our black lab, and a deck for me (love to grill), but other than that it had everything we wanted in a home. Enjoy the pics below and I will try to keep you updated more regularly on the adventure ahead!